On Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 19:23, David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I also adjusted the hash seq scan code so that it performs better when
> faced a non-sparsely populated table.  Previously my benchmark for
> that case didn't do well [2].

I was running some select only pgbench tests today on an AMD 3990x
machine with a large number of processes.

I saw that LockReleaseAll was coming up on the profile a bit at:

Master: 0.77% postgres [.] LockReleaseAll

I wondered if this patch would help, so I tried it and got:

dense hash lockrelease all: 0.67% postgres [.] LockReleaseAll

It's a very small increase which translated to about a 0.62% gain in
tps. It made me think it might be worth doing something about this
LockReleaseAll can show up when releasing small numbers of locks.

pgbench -T 240 -P 10 -c 132 -j 132 -S -M prepared --random-seed=12345 postgres

Units = tps

Sec        master           dense hash LockReleaseAll
10       3758201.2     3713521.5       98.81%
20       3810125.5     3844142.9     100.89%
30       3806505.1     3848458        101.10%
40       3816094.8     3855706.6     101.04%
50       3820317.2     3851717.7     100.82%
60       3827809     3851499.4        100.62%
70       3828757.9     3849312        100.54%
80       3824492.1     3852378.8     100.73%
90       3816502.1     3854793.8     101.00%
100     3819124.1     3860418.6     101.08%
110     3816154.3     3845327.7     100.76%
120     3817070.5     3845842.5     100.75%
130     3815424.7     3847626        100.84%
140     3823631.1     3846760.6     100.60%
150     3820963.8     3840196.6     100.50%
160     3827737        3841149.3     100.35%
170     3827779.2     3840130.9     100.32%
180      3829352       3842814.5     100.35%
190     3825518.3     3841991        100.43%
200     3823477.2     3839390.7     100.42%
210     3809304.3     3836433.5     100.71%
220     3814328.5     3842073.7     100.73%
230     3811399.3     3843780.7     100.85%
avg     3816959.53   3840672.478 100.62%


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