I was wondering about the following code in explain.c

char buf[MAXINT8LEN + 1];

pg_lltoa(plannedstmt->queryId, buf);
ExplainPropertyText("Query Identifier", buf, es);

I thought it was a bit strange that we don't just use
ExplainPropertyInteger() instead of going to the trouble of building
the string with pg_lltoa().

On looking a little closer I also saw that plannedstmt->queryId is a
uint64.  I guess that we're showing this as an int64 so that it
matches the queryid column in the pg_stat_statements view? If so, I
think it's worth a comment to mention why we're not using

Any objection to applying the attached to pg14 and master?


Attachment: clarify_why_queryid_is_signed_rather_than_unsigned.patch
Description: Binary data

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