> On Sep 10, 2021, at 9:56 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think the relevant question here is not "could a signal handler
> fire?" but "can we hit a CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS()?". If the relevant
> question is the former, then there's no hope of ever making it work
> because there's always a race condition. But the signal handler is
> only setting flags whose only effect is to make a subsequent
> CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() do something, so it doesn't really matter when
> the signal handler can run, but when CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() can call
> ProcessInterrupts().

Ok, that makes more sense.  I was reviewing the code after first reviewing the 
documentation changes, which lead me to believe the system was designed to 
respond more quickly than that:

+    WAL prohibited is a read-only system state. Any permitted user can call
+    <function>pg_prohibit_wal</function> function to forces the system into
+    a WAL prohibited mode where insert write ahead log will be prohibited until
+    the same function executed to change that state to read-write. Like Hot


+    Otherwise, it will be <literal>off</literal>.  When the user requests WAL
+    prohibited state, at that moment if any existing session is already running
+    a transaction, and that transaction has already been performed or planning
+    to perform wal write operations then the session running that transaction
+    will be terminated.

"forces the system" in the first part, and "at that moment ... that transaction 
will be terminated" sounds heavier handed than something which merely sets a 
flag asking the backend to exit.  I was reading that as more immediate and then 
trying to figure out how the signal handling could possibly work, and failing 
to see how.


+backends which receive WAL prohibited system state transition barrier interrupt
+need to stop WAL writing immediately.  For barrier absorption the backed(s) 
+kill the running transaction which has valid XID indicates that the transaction
+has performed and/or planning WAL write.

uses "immediately" and "will kill the running transaction" which reenforced the 
impression that this mechanism is heavier handed than it is.

Mark Dilger
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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