Two routines do eccentric things when they can't find required supporting
returns 'unknown (UID=<uid-number>)' when the UID does not exist.
returns 'Not a view' when passed a non-existant or non-view table
it also signals errors when the underlying metadata can not be found.
The proposal is to return NULL in the above cases - in the final case,
probably also generate a NOTICE.
Does anybody have a problem with this? Think it's a bad idea etc?
Philip Warner | __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd. |----/ - \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498) | /(@) ______---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81 | _________ \
Fax: (+61) 0500 83 82 82 | ___________ |
Http:// | / \|
| --________--
PGP key available upon request, | /
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