*Sigh*, still not having much fun over here:

# gdb /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postgres postgres.36561.core 
#0  0x8063b0f in nocachegetattr (tuple=0xbfbfe928, attnum=2, 
    tupleDesc=0x84ca368, isnull=0xbfbfe7af "") at heaptuple.c:494
494                             off = att_addlength(off, att[j]->attlen, tp + off);
(gdb) list
489                              */
490                             off = att_align(off, att[j]->attlen, att[j]->attalign);
492                             att[j]->attcacheoff = off;
494                             off = att_addlength(off, att[j]->attlen, tp + off);
495                     }
497                     return (Datum) fetchatt(&(att[attnum]), tp + 
498             }
(gdb) bt
#0  0x8063b0f in nocachegetattr (tuple=0xbfbfe928, attnum=2, 
    tupleDesc=0x84ca368, isnull=0xbfbfe7af "") at heaptuple.c:494
#1  0x8075851 in GetIndexValue (tuple=0xbfbfe928, hTupDesc=0x84ca368, 
    attOff=2, attrNums=0x84e9768, fInfo=0x0, attNull=0xbfbfe7af "")
    at indexam.c:445
#2  0x80903be in FormIndexDatum (numberOfAttributes=4, 
    attributeNumber=0x84e9768, heapTuple=0xbfbfe928, heapDescriptor=0x84ca368, 
    datum=0x84e9518, nullv=0x84ba170 "    ", fInfo=0x0) at index.c:1256
#3  0x80a05e6 in vc_repair_frag (vacrelstats=0x84ba290, onerel=0x84c6788, 
    vacuum_pages=0xbfbfe9d0, fraged_pages=0xbfbfe9c0, nindices=1, 
    Irel=0x84ba118) at vacuum.c:1634
#4  0x809e3b9 in vc_vacone (relid=1315147913, analyze=0, va_cols=0x0)
    at vacuum.c:640
#5  0x809d9ac in vc_vacuum (VacRelP=0xbfbfea60, analyze=0 '\000', va_cols=0x0)
    at vacuum.c:299
#6  0x809d934 in vacuum (vacrel=0x84ba0e8 "\030", verbose=1, analyze=0 '\000', 
    va_spec=0x0) at vacuum.c:223
#7  0x810ca8c in ProcessUtility (parsetree=0x84ba110, dest=Remote)
    at utility.c:694
#8  0x810a44e in pg_exec_query_dest (
    query_string=0x81cd370 "VACUUM verbose webhit_details_formatted;", 
    dest=Remote, aclOverride=0) at postgres.c:617
#9  0x810a3a9 in pg_exec_query (
    query_string=0x81cd370 "VACUUM verbose webhit_details_formatted;")
    at postgres.c:562
#10 0x810b336 in PostgresMain (argc=9, argv=0xbfbff0e0, real_argc=10, 
    real_argv=0xbfbffb40) at postgres.c:1588
#11 0x80f0742 in DoBackend (port=0x8464000) at postmaster.c:2009
#12 0x80f02d5 in BackendStartup (port=0x8464000) at postmaster.c:1776
#13 0x80ef4f9 in ServerLoop () at postmaster.c:1037
#14 0x80eeede in PostmasterMain (argc=10, argv=0xbfbffb40) at postmaster.c:725
#15 0x80bf3eb in main (argc=10, argv=0xbfbffb40) at main.c:93
#16 0x8063495 in _start ()

Isn't there something someone can offer to help track down why this
is happening?  It only seems to happen when we enable a particular
database script, and it always seems to happen while a pg_dump is
going on in the background while performing other updates, or a

All my crashes seem to happen in this file in 'nocachegetattr()',
is there anything I can do to provide more comprehensive error
reporting or something?

"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."

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