* Dan Moschuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001103 14:55] wrote:
> Server process (pid 13361) exited with status 26 at Fri Nov  3 17:49:44 2000
> Terminating any active server processes...
> NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
>         The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend died abnormally and 
>possibly corrupted shared memory.
>         I have rolled back the current transaction and am going to terminate your 
>database system connection and exit.
>         Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
> This happens fairly regularly.  I assume exit code 26 is used to dictate
> that a specific error has occured.
> The database is a decent size (~3M records) with about 4 indexes.

What version of postgresql?  Tom Lane recently fixed some severe problems
with vacuum and heavily used databases, the fix should be in the latest
7.0.2-patches/7.0.3 release.

"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."

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