* Steve Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001031 13:47] wrote:
> > >    (Incidentally,  we've toyed  around with  developping a
> query-caching
> > > system that would sit betwen PostgreSQL and our DB libraries.
> >
> >  Sounds  amazing, but  requires some  research, I  guess. However,  in
> many
> > cases one  would be  more than  happy with  cahced connections.  Of
> course,
> > cahced query results  can be naturally added to that,  but just
> connections
> > are OK to start with. Security....
>     To me, it doesn't sound like it would be that difficult of a project, at
> least not for the likes of the PostgreSQL developpers.  It also doesn't seem
> like it would really introduce any security problems, not if it were done
> inside of PostgreSQL.  Long ago, I got sidetracked from my endeavors in C,
> and so I don't feel that I'm qualified to do it.  (otherwise, I would have
> done it already. : ) )   If you wanted it done in Perl or Object Pascal, I
> could help. : )
>     Here's a simple design that I was tossing back and forth.  Please
> understand that I'm not saying this is the best way to do it, or even a good
> way to do it.  Just a possible way to do it.  I haven't been able to give it
> as much thought as I would like to.  Here goes.
> ------------
> Implementation


Karel Zak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Implemented stored proceedures for
postgresql but still hasn't been approached to integrated them.

You can find his second attempt to get a response from the developers


"I have the heart of a child; I keep it in a jar on my desk."

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