At 09:47 9/11/00 -0500, Jan Wieck wrote:
>    To  make  pg_dump  failsafe,  we'd  IMHO  need  to freeze all
>    objects that come with template0 copying.
>    For now we have oid's 1-16383 hardwired from the  bki  files.
>    Some  16384-xxxxx get allocated by initdb after bootstrap, so
>    we just need to bump the oid counter at the end of initdb (by
>    some  bootstrap  interface  command)  to  lets  say 32768 and
>    reject any attempt to touch an object with a lower oid.

I'd still like to see this number stored in the pgsql catalog somewhere
(not just header files).

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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