Got the following errors when using very recent CVS build:

On client (psql):

1: psql:./indexes_1.sql:12: pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel
2:      This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
3:      before or while processing the request.
4: psql:./indexes_1.sql:12: connection to server was lost

on backend:

DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: skip 0000000000000002
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: skip 0000000000000001
DEBUG:  --Relation pg_type--
DEBUG:  Pages 2: Changed 1, reaped 0, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 136: Vac 0,
Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 106, MaxLen 109; Re-us
ing: Free/Avail. Space 0/0; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/0. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec.
DEBUG:  Index pg_type_oid_index: Pages 2; Tuples 136. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec.
DEBUG:  Index pg_type_typname_index: Pages 2; Tuples 136. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec.
DEBUG:  Analyzing...
DEBUG:  --Relation pg_attribute--
DEBUG:  Pages 11: Changed 4, reaped 3, Empty 0, New 0; Tup 796: Vac 54,
Keep/VTL 0/0, Crash 0, UnUsed 0, MinLen 98, MaxLen 98; Re-us
ing: Free/Avail. Space 6412/3720; EndEmpty/Avail. Pages 0/2. CPU
0.00s/0.00u sec.
DEBUG:  Index pg_attribute_relid_attnam_index: Pages 12; Tuples 796:
Deleted 54. CPU 0.00s/0.01u sec.
DEBUG:  Index pg_attribute_relid_attnum_index: Pages 6; Tuples 796: Deleted
54. CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec.
TRAP: Failed Assertion("!(((file) > 0 && (file) < (int) SizeVfdCache &&
VfdCache[file].fileName != ((void *)0))):", File: "fd.c", Li
ne: 967)
!(((file) > 0 && (file) < (int) SizeVfdCache && VfdCache[file].fileName !=
((void *)0))) (0)
Server process (pid 7187) exited with status 6 at Tue Nov 21 13:44:27 2000
Terminating any active server processes...
NOTICE:  Message from PostgreSQL backend:
        The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend died
abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
        I have rolled back the current transaction and am going to
terminate your database system connection and exit.
        Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
Server processes were terminated at Tue Nov 21 13:44:27 2000
Reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
DEBUG:  Data Base System is starting up at Tue Nov 21 13:44:28 2000
DEBUG:  Data Base System was interrupted being in production at Tue Nov 21
13:44:07 2000
DEBUG:  CheckPoint record at (0, 31491092)
DEBUG:  Redo record at (0, 31470036); Undo record at (0, 23533448);
Shutdown FALSE
DEBUG:  NextTransactionId: 771; NextOid: 280037
DEBUG:  The DataBase system was not properly shut down
        Automatic recovery is in progress...
DEBUG:  Redo starts at (0, 31470036)
DEBUG:  Redo done at (0, 31636584)
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: skip 0000000000000002
DEBUG:  MoveOfflineLogs: skip 0000000000000001
DEBUG:  Data Base System is in production state at Tue Nov 21 13:44:32 2000

Now, when I go into psql and type \d, I get:

birds_load=# \d
ERROR:  cannot open pg_proc_proname_narg_type_index: No such file or directory

I can run the backend in debug to get a backtrace, if that would help, but
I won;t have a chance for a few hours.

FWIW, the task being performed was to load about 80000 records using
DBD::Pg via INSERT statements in a *single* transaction, then commit and
define 5 indexes. The final step was to run a 'vacuum analyze'. From the
log looks like it was in the vacuum step.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
(A.B.N. 75 008 659 498)          |          /(@)   ______---_
Tel: (+61) 0500 83 82 81         |                 _________  \
Fax: (+61) 0500 83 82 82         |                 ___________ |
Http://          |                /           \|
                                 |    --________--
PGP key available upon request,  |  /
and from   |/

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