Stephan Szabo wrote:
>    There's a message on -general about a possible
> problem in the deferred RI constraints.  He was doing a
> sequence like:
> begin
>  delete
>  insert
> end
> and having it fail even though the deleted key was back in
> place at the end.

    Isn't  that  (delete  and  reinsert  the  same  PK)  what the
    standard means with "triggered data change violation"?

    It is a second touching of a unique matching PK. And in  this
    case the standard doesn't define a behaviour, instead it says
    you cannot do so.

    In the case of reinserting a deleted PK, does the new PK  row
    inherit the references to the old PK row? If so, an ON DELETE
    CASCADE must be suppressed - no?

    If I'm right that it  should  be  a  "triggered  data  change
    violation",  the  problem  is  just changing into one we have
    with delete/reinsert in the ON DELETE CASCADE  case.  Haven't
    tested, but the current implementation shouldn't detect it.



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# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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