Hannu Krosing wrote:
> mlw wrote:
> >
> > Why is a "select * from table1 where field in (select field from table2
> > where condition )"
> >
> > is so dramatically bad compared to:
> >
> > "select * from table1, table2 where table1.field = table2.field and
> > condition"
> >
> > I can't understand why the first query isn't optimized better than the
> > second one. The 'in' query forces a full table scan (it shouldn't) and
> > the second one uses the indexes. Does anyone know why?
> Its not done yet, and probably hsomewhat difficult to do in a general
> fashion
> > I know I am no SQL guru, but my gut tells me that the 'in' operator
> > should be far more efficient than a join.
> >
> > Here are the actual queries:
> >
> > cdinfo=# explain select trackid from zsong where muzenbr in (select
> > muzenbr from ztitles where title = 'Mulan') ;
> try
> explain
>  select trackid
>    from zsong
>   where muzenbr in (
>          select muzenbr
>            from ztitles
>           where title = 'Mulan'
>             and ztitles.muzenbr=zsong.muzenbr
>   );
> this should hint the current optimizer to do the right thing;
> -----------------
> Hannu


cdinfo=# explain
cdinfo-#  select trackid
cdinfo-#    from zsong
cdinfo-#   where muzenbr in (
cdinfo(#          select muzenbr
cdinfo(#            from ztitles
cdinfo(#           where title = 'Mulan'
cdinfo(#             and ztitles.muzenbr=zsong.muzenbr
cdinfo(#   );
Seq Scan on zsong  (cost=100000000.00..104474515.18 rows=2193213
    ->  Index Scan using ztitles_pkey on ztitles  (cost=0.00..4.05
rows=1 width=4)  

But what I also find odd is, look at the components:

cdinfo=# explain select muzenbr from ztitles where title = 'Mulan' ;
Index Scan using ztitles_title_ndx on ztitles  (cost=0.00..7.08 rows=1

cdinfo=# explain select trackid from zsong where muzenbr in ( 1,2,3,4,5)
Index Scan using zsong_muzenbr_ndx, zsong_muzenbr_ndx,
zsong_muzenbr_ndx, zsong_muzenbr_ndx, zsong_muzenbr_ndx on zsong 
(cost=0.00..392.66 rows=102 width=4) 

Now, given the two components, each with very low costs, it chooses to
do a sequential scan on the table. I don't get it. I have have been
having no end of problems with Postgres' optimizer. It just seems to be
brain dead at times. It is a huge point of frustration to me. I am tied
to postgres in my current project, and I fear that I will not be able to
implement certain features because of this sort of behavior.


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