At 07:30 PM 11/28/00 -0800, Sandeep Joshi wrote:
>    I have two questions
>1. Is it possible to set up a set of redundant disks for a database? one
>of them being remote from the database?

If you're talking about replication, PostgreSQL, Inc. will be offering a
solution to its $19,000/yr Platinum Partners shortly.  It will be released
in open source form no more than two years after its release in proprietary

Check out for more details, and
for more details on the PostgreSQL, Inc. partnership program.

Locally, you can use RAID.  Are there open-source journaling filesystems that
offer filesystem-level replication out there?

- Don Baccus, Portland OR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Nature photos, on-line guides, Pacific Northwest
  Rare Bird Alert Service and other goodies at

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