* xuyifeng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [001213 18:54] wrote:
> I have this nasty problem too,  in early time, I don't know the problem, but we used 
>it for a while,
> than we found our table growing too fast without insert any record( we use update), 
>this behaviour 
> most like M$ MSACCESS database I had used a long time ago which don't reuse deleted 
> space and full fill your hard disk after several hours,  the nasty vaccum block any 
>other users to operate
> on table,  this is a big problem for a large table, because it will block tooo long 
>to let other user to run
> query. we have a project affected by this problem, and sadly we decide to use 
>closure source database
>  - SYBASE on linux, we havn't any other selections. :(
> note that SYBASE and Informix both have 'update statistics' command, but they run it 
>fast in seconds,
> not block any other user, this is pretty. ya, what's good technology!



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