Tom Lane wrote:
> Ed Loehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What is the status of the genetic algorithm query optimizer?  Is this
> > supposed to work well on many-table joins, or has it fallen out of favor
> > or in disrepair?
> It's supposed to work ;-).  I'm not sure that the default parameters are
> optimal, however.  If you experiment with other settings, please post your
> results.

Query time dropped from many minutes to 13 seconds on a 12-table join
with a little tweaking from the default params:

My $PGDATA/pg_geqo:
Pool_Size            1024
# Effort               high
Generations          100
Random_Seed          330418761
Selection_Bias       2.00

Similar performance with Generations setting of 800 derived from Effort.

Ed Loehr

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