
I just recompiled 7.1 beta from current CVS today.

I pg_dump'ed my 7.02 db's and reloaded it on 7.1 with no probs apart that
psql -l shows 2 template0 and template1...

Template0 and template1 belong to user postgres and to an other who has no
priviledges and no db!!!

What makes me think it's a psql bug is that select * from pg_databases
show 1 template0 and 1 template1.

For what it's worth, it on unixware 711.

BTW, when is the release due for? I'm VERY impatient. This is the best
I've seen.


Olivier PRENANT                 Tel:    +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
Quartier d'Harraud Turrou           +33-5-61-50-97-01 (Fax)
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FRANCE                      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Make your life a dream, make your dream a reality. (St Exupery)

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