Done ... just tried adding white space to three files, in three
directories, and it seems to go through as one commit ...

let's see what happens next time Tom makes a big change :)

On 12 Jan 2001, Ian Lance Taylor wrote:

> Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > "Larry Rosenman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > I'm referring to the actual commit messages.
> >
> > It *would* be awfully nice if the pgsql-committers traffic were one
> > message per commit, instead of one per directory touched per commit.
> > This has been suggested before, but nothing got done ...
> This is easy to set up, for an appropriate definition of ``easy''.
> I have included two files below, commit_prep and log_accum.  Do
>     cvs co CVSROOT
> Copy the files into the CVSROOT directory.  Check the definition of
> $MAILER near the top of log_accum.  Everything else should be fine.
> Do this:
>     cvs add commit_prep
>     cvs add log_accum
> Edit the file checkoutlist, and add these lines:
> commit_prep     Won't be able to do mail logging.
> log_accum       Won't be able to do mail logging.
> Edit the file commitinfo, and add something like this line:
> DEFAULT        /usr/bin/perl $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/commit_prep -r
> Edit the file loginfo, and add something like this line (replace
> MAILINGLIST with the mailing address to which you want log messages to
> be sent):
> DEFAULT        /usr/bin/perl $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/log_accum -m MAILINGLIST -s %s
> Then:
>     cvs commit
> Then test it.
> Good luck.  I didn't write these scripts, but I've used them in a
> number of places.
> Ian
> commit_prep:
> ==================================================
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # -*-Perl-*-
> #
> # $Id: commit_prep,v 1.1 1998/12/01 03:18:27 ian Exp $
> #
> # Perl filter to handle pre-commit checking of files.  This program
> # records the last directory where commits will be taking place for
> # use by the script.  For new files, it forces the
> # existence of a RCS "Id" keyword in the first ten lines of the file.
> # For existing files, it checks version number in the "Id" line to
> # prevent losing changes because an old version of a file was copied
> # into the direcory.
> #
> # Possible future enhancements:
> #
> #    Check for cruft left by unresolved conflicts.  Search for
> #    "^<<<<<<<$", "^-------$", and "^>>>>>>>$".
> #
> #    Look for a copyright and automagically update it to the
> #    current year.  [[ bad idea!  -- woods ]]
> #
> #
> # Contributed by David Hampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #
> # Hacked on lots by Greg A. Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #
> #     Configurable options
> #
> # Constants (remember to protect strings from RCS keyword substitution)
> #
> $LAST_FILE     = "/tmp/#egcscvs.lastdir"; # must match name in
> $ENTRIES       = "CVS/Entries";
> # Patterns to find $Log keywords in files
> #
> $LogString1 = "\\\$\\Log: .* \\\$";
> $LogString2 = "\\\$\\Log\\\$";
> $NoLog = "%s - contains an RCS \$Log keyword.  It must not!\n";
> # pattern to match an RCS Id keyword line with an existing ID
> #
> $IDstring = "\"@\\(#\\)[^:]*:.*\\\$\Id: .*\\\$\"";
> $NoId = "
> %s - Does not contain a properly formatted line with the keyword \"Id:\".
>       I.e. no lines match \"" . $IDstring . "\".
>       Please see the template files for an example.\n";
> # pattern to match an RCS Id keyword line for a new file (i.e. un-expanded)
> #
> $NewId = "\"@(#)[^:]*:.*\\$\Id\\$\"";
> $NoName = "
> %s - The ID line should contain only \"@(#)module/path:\$Name\$:\$\Id\$\"
>       for a newly created file.\n";
> $BadName = "
> %s - The file name '%s' in the ID line does not match
>       the actual filename.\n";
> $BadVersion = "
> %s - How dare you!!!  You replaced your copy of the file '%s',
>       which was based upon version %s, with an %s version based
>       upon %s.  Please move your '%s' out of the way, perform an
>       update to get the current version, and them merge your changes
>       into that file, then try the commit again.\n";
> #
> #     Subroutines
> #
> sub write_line {
>     local($filename, $line) = @_;
>     open(FILE, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open $filename, stopped");
>     print(FILE $line, "\n");
>     close(FILE);
> }
> sub check_version {
>     local($i, $id, $rname, $version);
>     local($filename, $cvsversion) = @_;
>     open(FILE, "<$filename") || return(0);
>     @all_lines = ();
>     $idpos = -1;
>     $newidpos = -1;
>     for ($i = 0; <FILE>; $i++) {
>       chop;
>       push(@all_lines, $_);
>       if ($_ =~ /$IDstring/) {
>           $idpos = $i;
>       }
>       if ($_ =~ /$NewId/) {
>           $newidpos = $i;
>       }
>     }
>     if (grep(/$LogString1/, @all_lines) || grep(/$LogString2/, @all_lines)) {
>       print STDERR sprintf($NoLog, $filename);
>       return(1);
>     }
>     if ($debug != 0) {
>       print STDERR sprintf("file = %s, version = %d.\n", $filename, 
>     }
>     if ($cvsversion{$filename} == 0) {
>       if ($newidpos != -1 && $all_lines[$newidpos] !~ /$NewId/) {
>           print STDERR sprintf($NoName, $filename);
>           return(1);
>       }
>       return(0);
>     }
>     if ($idpos == -1) {
>       print STDERR sprintf($NoId, $filename);
>       return(1);
>     }
>     $line = $all_lines[$idpos];
>     $pos = index($line, "Id: ");
>     if ($debug != 0) {
>       print STDERR sprintf("%d in '%s'.\n", $pos, $line);
>     }
>     ($id, $rname, $version) = split(' ', substr($line, $pos));
>     if ($rname ne "$filename,v") {
>       print STDERR sprintf($BadName, $filename, substr($rname, 0, length($rname)-2));
>       return(1);
>     }
>     if ($cvsversion{$filename} < $version) {
>       print STDERR sprintf($BadVersion, $filename, $filename, $cvsversion{$filename},
>                            "newer", $version, $filename);
>       return(1);
>     }
>     if ($cvsversion{$filename} > $version) {
>       print STDERR sprintf($BadVersion, $filename, $filename, $cvsversion{$filename},
>                            "older", $version, $filename);
>       return(1);
>     }
>     return(0);
> }
> #
> #     Main Body
> #
> $id = getpgrp();              # You *must* use a shell that does setpgrp()!
> # Check each file (except dot files) for an RCS "Id" keyword.
> #
> $check_id = 0;
> # Record the directory for later use by the log_accumulate stript.
> #
> $record_directory = 0;
> # parse command line arguments
> #
> while (@ARGV) {
>     $arg = shift @ARGV;
>     if ($arg eq '-d') {
>       $debug = 1;
>       print STDERR "Debug turned on...\n";
>     } elsif ($arg eq '-c') {
>       $check_id = 1;
>     } elsif ($arg eq '-r') {
>       $record_directory = 1;
>     } else {
>       push(@files, $arg);
>     }
> }
> $directory = shift @files;
> if ($debug != 0) {
>     print STDERR "dir   - ", $directory, "\n";
>     print STDERR "files - ", join(":", @files), "\n";
>     print STDERR "id    - ", $id, "\n";
> }
> # Suck in the CVS/Entries file
> #
> open(ENTRIES, $ENTRIES) || die("Cannot open $ENTRIES.\n");
> while (<ENTRIES>) {
>     local($filename, $version) = split('/', substr($_, 1));
>     $cvsversion{$filename} = $version;
> }
> # Now check each file name passed in, except for dot files.  Dot files
> # are considered to be administrative files by this script.
> #
> if ($check_id != 0) {
>     $failed = 0;
>     foreach $arg (@files) {
>       if (index($arg, ".") == 0) {
>           next;
>       }
>       $failed += &check_version($arg);
>     }
>     if ($failed) {
>       print STDERR "\n";
>       exit(1);
>     }
> }
> # Record this directory as the last one checked.  This will be used
> # by the log_accumulate script to determine when it is processing
> # the final directory of a multi-directory commit.
> #
> if ($record_directory != 0) {
>     &write_line("$LAST_FILE.$id", $directory);
> }
> exit(0);
> ==================================================
> log_accum:
> ==================================================
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> # -*-Perl-*-
> #
> # Perl filter to handle the log messages from the checkin of files in
> # a directory.  This script will group the lists of files by log
> # message, and mail a single consolidated log message at the end of
> # the commit.
> #
> # This file assumes a pre-commit checking program that leaves the
> # names of the first and last commit directories in a temporary file.
> #
> # Contributed by David Hampton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> #
> # hacked greatly by Greg A. Woods <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> # Usage: [-d] [-s] [-M module] [[-m mailto] ...] [-f logfile]
> #     -d              - turn on debugging
> #     -m mailto       - send mail to "mailto" (multiple)
> #     -M modulename   - set module name to "modulename"
> #     -f logfile      - write commit messages to logfile too
> #     -s              - *don't* run "cvs status -v" for each file
> #
> #     Configurable options
> #
> # Set this to something that takes "-s"
> $MAILER              = "/bin/mail";
> # Constants (don't change these!)
> #
> $STATE_NONE    = 0;
> $STATE_ADDED   = 2;
> $STATE_LOG     = 4;
> $LAST_FILE     = "/tmp/#egcscvs.lastdir";
> $CHANGED_FILE  = "/tmp/#egcscvs.files.changed";
> $ADDED_FILE    = "/tmp/#egcscvs.files.added";
> $REMOVED_FILE  = "/tmp/#egcscvs.files.removed";
> $LOG_FILE      = "/tmp/#egcscvs.files.log";
> $FILE_PREFIX   = "#egcscvs.files";
> #
> #     Subroutines
> #
> sub cleanup_tmpfiles {
>     local($wd, @files);
>     $wd = `pwd`;
>     chdir("/tmp") || die("Can't chdir('/tmp')\n");
>     opendir(DIR, ".");
>     push(@files, grep(/^$FILE_PREFIX\..*\.$id$/, readdir(DIR)));
>     closedir(DIR);
>     foreach (@files) {
>       unlink $_;
>     }
>     unlink $LAST_FILE . "." . $id;
>     chdir($wd);
> }
> sub write_logfile {
>     local($filename, @lines) = @_;
>     open(FILE, ">$filename") || die("Cannot open log file $filename.\n");
>     print FILE join("\n", @lines), "\n";
>     close(FILE);
> }
> sub format_names {
>     local($dir, @files) = @_;
>     local(@lines);
>     if ($dir =~ /^\.\//) {
>       $dir = $';
>     }
>     if ($dir =~ /\/$/) {
>       $dir = $`;
>     }
>     if ($dir eq "") {
>       $dir = ".";
>     }
>     $format = "\t%-" . sprintf("%d", length($dir) > 15 ? length($dir) : 15) . "s%s ";
>     $lines[0] = sprintf($format, $dir, ":");
>     if ($debug) {
>       print STDERR "format_names(): dir = ", $dir, "; files = ", join(":", @files), 
>     }
>     foreach $file (@files) {
>       if (length($lines[$#lines]) + length($file) > 65) {
>           $lines[++$#lines] = sprintf($format, " ", " ");
>       }
>       $lines[$#lines] .= $file . " ";
>     }
>     @lines;
> }
> sub format_lists {
>     local(@lines) = @_;
>     local(@text, @files, $lastdir);
>     if ($debug) {
>       print STDERR "format_lists(): ", join(":", @lines), "\n";
>     }
>     @text = ();
>     @files = ();
>     $lastdir = shift @lines;  # first thing is always a directory
>     if ($lastdir !~ /.*\/$/) {
>       die("Damn, $lastdir doesn't look like a directory!\n");
>     }
>     foreach $line (@lines) {
>       if ($line =~ /.*\/$/) {
>           push(@text, &format_names($lastdir, @files));
>           $lastdir = $line;
>           @files = ();
>       } else {
>           push(@files, $line);
>       }
>     }
>     push(@text, &format_names($lastdir, @files));
>     @text;
> }
> sub accum_subject {
>     local(@lines) = @_;
>     local(@files, $lastdir);
>     $lastdir = shift @lines;  # first thing is always a directory
>     @files = ($lastdir);
>     if ($lastdir !~ /.*\/$/) {
>       die("Damn, $lastdir doesn't look like a directory!\n");
>     }
>     foreach $line (@lines) {
>       if ($line =~ /.*\/$/) {
>           $lastdir = $line;
>           push(@files, $line);
>       } else {
>           push(@files, $lastdir . $line);
>       }
>     }
>     @files;
> }
> sub compile_subject {
>     local(@files) = @_;
>     local($text, @a, @b, @c, $dir, $topdir);
>     # find the highest common directory
>     $dir = '-';
>     do {
>       $topdir = $dir;
>       foreach $file (@files) {
>           if ($file =~ /.*\/$/) {
>               if ($dir eq '-') {
>                   $dir = $file;
>               } else {
>                   if (index($dir,$file) == 0) {
>                       $dir = $file;
>                   } elsif (index($file,$dir) != 0) {
>                       @a = split /\//,$file;
>                       @b = split /\//,$dir;
>                       @c = ();
>                       CMP: while ($#a > 0 && $#b > 0) {
>                           if ($a[0] eq $b[0]) {
>                               push(@c, $a[0]);
>                               shift @a;
>                               shift @b;
>                           } else {
>                               last CMP;
>                           }
>                       }
>                       $dir = join('/',@c) . '/';
>                   }
>               }
>           }
>       }
>     } until $dir eq $topdir;
>     # strip out directories and the common prefix topdir.
>     chop $topdir;
>     @c = ($modulename . '/' . $topdir);
>     foreach $file (@files) {
>       if (!($file =~ /.*\/$/)) {
>           push(@c, substr($file, length($topdir)+1));
>       }
>     }
>     # put it together and limit the length.
>     $text = join(' ',@c);
>     if (length($text) > 50) {
>       $text = substr($text, 0, 46) . ' ...';
>     }
>     $text;
> }
> sub append_names_to_file {
>     local($filename, $dir, @files) = @_;
>     if (@files) {
>       open(FILE, ">>$filename") || die("Cannot open file $filename.\n");
>       print FILE $dir, "\n";
>       print FILE join("\n", @files), "\n";
>       close(FILE);
>     }
> }
> sub read_line {
>     local($line);
>     local($filename) = @_;
>     open(FILE, "<$filename") || die("Cannot open file $filename.\n");
>     $line = <FILE>;
>     close(FILE);
>     chop($line);
>     $line;
> }
> sub read_logfile {
>     local(@text);
>     local($filename, $leader) = @_;
>     open(FILE, "<$filename");
>     while (<FILE>) {
>       chop;
>       push(@text, $leader.$_);
>     }
>     close(FILE);
>     @text;
> }
> sub build_header {
>     local($header);
>     local($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time);
>     $header = sprintf("CVSROOT:\t%s\nModule name:\t%s\n",
>                     $cvsroot,
>                     $modulename);
>     if (defined($branch)) {
>       $header .= sprintf("Branch: \t%s\n",
>                     $branch);
>     }
>     $header .= sprintf("Changes by:\t%s@%s\t%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
>                     $login, $hostdomain,
>                     $year%100, $mon+1, $mday,
>                     $hour, $min, $sec);
> }
> sub mail_notification {
>     local($name, $subject, @text) = @_;
>     open(MAIL, "| $MAILER -s \"$subject\" $name");
>     print MAIL join("\n", @text), "\n";
>     close(MAIL);
> }
> sub write_commitlog {
>     local($logfile, @text) = @_;
>     open(FILE, ">>$logfile");
>     print FILE join("\n", @text), "\n\n";
>     close(FILE);
> }
> #
> #     Main Body
> #
> # Initialize basic variables
> #
> $debug = 0;
> $id = getpgrp();              # note, you *must* use a shell which does setpgrp()
> $state = $STATE_NONE;
> $login = $ENV{'USER'} || (getpwuid($<))[0] || "nobody";
> chop($hostname = `hostname`);
> if ($hostname !~ /\./) {
>     chop($domainname = `domainname`);
>     $hostdomain = $hostname . "." . $domainname;
> } else {
>     $hostdomain = $hostname;
> }
> $cvsroot = $ENV{'CVSROOT'};
> $do_status = 1;
> $modulename = "";
> # parse command line arguments (file list is seen as one arg)
> #
> while (@ARGV) {
>     $arg = shift @ARGV;
>     if ($arg eq '-d') {
>       $debug = 1;
>       print STDERR "Debug turned on...\n";
>     } elsif ($arg eq '-m') {
>       $mailto = "$mailto " . shift @ARGV;
>     } elsif ($arg eq '-M') {
>       $modulename = shift @ARGV;
>     } elsif ($arg eq '-s') {
>       $do_status = 0;
>     } elsif ($arg eq '-f') {
>       ($commitlog) && die("Too many '-f' args\n");
>       $commitlog = shift @ARGV;
>     } else {
>       ($donefiles) && die("Too many arguments!  Check usage.\n");
>       $donefiles = 1;
>       @files = split(/ /, $arg);
>     }
> }
> ($mailto) || die("No -m mail recipient specified\n");
> # for now, the first "file" is the repository directory being committed,
> # relative to the $CVSROOT location
> #
> @path = split('/', $files[0]);
> # XXX there are some ugly assumptions in here about module names and
> # XXX directories relative to the $CVSROOT location -- really should
> # XXX read $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/modules, but that's not so easy to do, since
> # XXX we have to parse it backwards.
> #
> if ($modulename eq "") {
>     $modulename = $path[0];   # I.e. the module name == top-level dir
> }
> if ($commitlog ne "") {
>     $commitlog = $cvsroot . "/" . $modulename . "/" . $commitlog unless ($commitlog 
>=~ /^\//);
> }
> if ($#path == 0) {
>     $dir = ".";
> } else {
>     $dir = join('/', @path[1..$#path]);
> }
> $dir = $dir . "/";
> if ($debug) {
>     print STDERR "module - ", $modulename, "\n";
>     print STDERR "dir    - ", $dir, "\n";
>     print STDERR "path   - ", join(":", @path), "\n";
>     print STDERR "files  - ", join(":", @files), "\n";
>     print STDERR "id     - ", $id, "\n";
> }
> # Check for a new directory first.  This appears with files set as follows:
> #
> #    files[0] - "path/name/newdir"
> #    files[1] - "-"
> #    files[2] - "New"
> #    files[3] - "directory"
> #
> if ($files[2] =~ /New/ && $files[3] =~ /directory/) {
>     local(@text);
>     @text = ();
>     push(@text, &build_header());
>     push(@text, "");
>     push(@text, $files[0]);
>     push(@text, "");
>     while (<STDIN>) {
>       chop;                   # Drop the newline
>       push(@text, $_);
>     }
>     &mail_notification($mailto, $files[0], @text);
>     if ($commitlog) {
>       &write_commitlog($commitlog, @text);
>     }
>     exit 0;
> }
> # Iterate over the body of the message collecting information.
> #
> while (<STDIN>) {
>     chop;                     # Drop the newline
>     if (/^Modified Files/) { $state = $STATE_CHANGED; next; }
>     if (/^Added Files/)    { $state = $STATE_ADDED;   next; }
>     if (/^Removed Files/)  { $state = $STATE_REMOVED; next; }
>     if (/^Log Message/)    { $state = $STATE_LOG;     next; }
>     if (/^Revision\/Branch/) { /^[^:]+:\s*(.*)/; $branch = $+; next; }
>     s/^[ \t\n]+//;            # delete leading whitespace
>     s/[ \t\n]+$//;            # delete trailing whitespace
>     if ($state == $STATE_CHANGED) { push(@changed_files, split); }
>     if ($state == $STATE_ADDED)   { push(@added_files,   split); }
>     if ($state == $STATE_REMOVED) { push(@removed_files, split); }
>     if ($state == $STATE_LOG)     { push(@log_lines,     $_); }
> }
> # Strip leading and trailing blank lines from the log message.  Also
> # compress multiple blank lines in the body of the message down to a
> # single blank line.
> #
> while ($#log_lines > -1) {
>     last if ($log_lines[0] ne "");
>     shift(@log_lines);
> }
> while ($#log_lines > -1) {
>     last if ($log_lines[$#log_lines] ne "");
>     pop(@log_lines);
> }
> for ($i = $#log_lines; $i > 0; $i--) {
>     if (($log_lines[$i - 1] eq "") && ($log_lines[$i] eq "")) {
>       splice(@log_lines, $i, 1);
>     }
> }
> # Check for an import command.  This appears with files set as follows:
> #
> #    files[0] - "path/name"
> #    files[1] - "-"
> #    files[2] - "Imported"
> #    files[3] - "sources"
> #
> if ($files[2] =~ /Imported/ && $files[3] =~ /sources/) {
>     local(@text);
>     @text = ();
>     push(@text, &build_header());
>     push(@text, "");
>     push(@text, "Log message:");
>     while ($#log_lines > -1) {
>       push (@text, "    " . $log_lines[0]);
>       shift(@log_lines);
>     }
>     &mail_notification($mailto, "Import $file[0]", @text);
>     if ($commitlog) {
>       &write_commitlog($commitlog, @text);
>     }
>     exit 0;
> }
> if ($debug) {
>     print STDERR "Searching for log file index...";
> }
> # Find an index to a log file that matches this log message
> #
> for ($i = 0; ; $i++) {
>     local(@text);
>     last if (! -e "$LOG_FILE.$i.$id"); # the next available one
>     @text = &read_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i.$id", "");
>     last if ($#text == -1);   # nothing in this file, use it
>     last if (join(" ", @log_lines) eq join(" ", @text)); # it's the same log message 
>as another
> }
> if ($debug) {
>     print STDERR " found log file at $i.$id, now writing tmp files.\n";
> }
> # Spit out the information gathered in this pass.
> #
> &append_names_to_file("$CHANGED_FILE.$i.$id", $dir, @changed_files);
> &append_names_to_file("$ADDED_FILE.$i.$id",   $dir, @added_files);
> &append_names_to_file("$REMOVED_FILE.$i.$id", $dir, @removed_files);
> &write_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i.$id", @log_lines);
> # Check whether this is the last directory.  If not, quit.
> #
> if ($debug) {
>     print STDERR "Checking current dir against last dir.\n";
> }
> $_ = &read_line("$LAST_FILE.$id");
> if ($_ ne $cvsroot . "/" . $files[0]) {
>     if ($debug) {
>       print STDERR sprintf("Current directory %s is not last directory %s.\n", 
>$cvsroot . "/" .$files[0], $_);
>     }
>     exit 0;
> }
> if ($debug) {
>     print STDERR sprintf("Current directory %s is last directory %s -- all commits 
>done.\n", $files[0], $_);
> }
> #
> #     End Of Commits!
> #
> # This is it.  The commits are all finished.  Lump everything together
> # into a single message, fire a copy off to the mailing list, and drop
> # it on the end of the Changes file.
> #
> #
> # Produce the final compilation of the log messages
> #
> @text = ();
> @status_txt = ();
> @subject_files = ();
> push(@text, &build_header());
> push(@text, "");
> for ($i = 0; ; $i++) {
>     last if (! -e "$LOG_FILE.$i.$id"); # we're done them all!
>     @lines = &read_logfile("$CHANGED_FILE.$i.$id", "");
>     if ($#lines >= 0) {
>       push(@text, "Modified files:");
>       push(@text, &format_lists(@lines));
>       push(@subject_files, &accum_subject(@lines));
>     }
>     @lines = &read_logfile("$ADDED_FILE.$i.$id", "");
>     if ($#lines >= 0) {
>       push(@text, "Added files:");
>       push(@text, &format_lists(@lines));
>       push(@subject_files, &accum_subject(@lines));
>     }
>     @lines = &read_logfile("$REMOVED_FILE.$i.$id", "");
>     if ($#lines >= 0) {
>       push(@text, "Removed files:");
>       push(@text, &format_lists(@lines));
>       push(@subject_files, &accum_subject(@lines));
>     }
>     if ($#text >= 0) {
>       push(@text, "");
>     }
>     @lines = &read_logfile("$LOG_FILE.$i.$id", "\t");
>     if ($#lines >= 0) {
>       push(@text, "Log message:");
>       push(@text, @lines);
>       push(@text, "");
>     }
>     if ($do_status) {
>       local(@changed_files);
>       @changed_files = ();
>       push(@changed_files, &read_logfile("$CHANGED_FILE.$i.$id", ""));
>       push(@changed_files, &read_logfile("$ADDED_FILE.$i.$id", ""));
>       push(@changed_files, &read_logfile("$REMOVED_FILE.$i.$id", ""));
>       if ($debug) {
>           print STDERR "main: pre-sort changed_files = ", join(":", @changed_files), 
>       }
>       sort(@changed_files);
>       if ($debug) {
>           print STDERR "main: post-sort changed_files = ", join(":", 
>@changed_files), ".\n";
>       }
>       foreach $dofile (@changed_files) {
>           if ($dofile =~ /\/$/) {
>               next;           # ignore the silly "dir" entries
>           }
>           if ($debug) {
>               print STDERR "main(): doing status on $dofile\n";
>           }
>           open(STATUS, "-|") || exec 'cvs', '-n', 'status', '-Qqv', $dofile;
>           while (<STATUS>) {
>               chop;
>               push(@status_txt, $_);
>           }
>       }
>     }
> }
> $subject_txt = &compile_subject(@subject_files);
> # Write to the commitlog file
> #
> if ($commitlog) {
>     &write_commitlog($commitlog, @text);
> }
> if ($#status_txt >= 0) {
>     push(@text, @status_txt);
> }
> # Mailout the notification.
> #
> &mail_notification($mailto, $subject_txt, @text);
> # cleanup
> #
> if (! $debug) {
>     &cleanup_tmpfiles();
> }
> exit 0;
> ==================================================

Marc G. Fournier                   ICQ#7615664               IRC Nick: Scrappy
Systems Administrator @
primary: [EMAIL PROTECTED]           secondary: scrappy@{freebsd|postgresql}.org

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