On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 10:34:45PM +0100, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Nathan Myers wrote:
> > Not true.  There are Debian source packages, 

> Where are they ? I'm *quite* interested !

> >                                              and taking the source
> > package from Debian 2.x, x>2 (woody/sid), you can easily build it
> > on Debian 2.2 (potato).

They're as near as "apt-get source postgresql", once you have edited 
/etc/apt/sources.list to point to the package repositories you want,
and have run "apt-get update" to synchronize with those repositories.  

Under the best circumstances, "apt-get source -b postgresql" will 
download the sources and build a ".deb" tailored for your system, 
much as in the BSD "ports" system.  (I say "best circumstances"
because the package or the build process may depend on tools and
"-dev" packages you have not "apt-get install"'ed yet, and because
you might prefer to tinker with configuration options before building.)

I'm sure once Oliver has prepared a 7.1 Debian package he will announce
it here.

(This is getting dangerously Debian-specific.)

Nathan Myers

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