Ross J. Reedstrom writes:

> Hmm, multiple processors, and lots of IPC: I've got a bad feeling
> about this.

Although I'm not absolutely certain, the systems on which I had this
problem were not multi-processor, they were just plain-old workstations in
a university computer lab.  At the time (7.0 beta) I had attributed this
problem to the possibly supicious nature of the /tmp partition, since Marc
didn't have any such problems with his Solaris boxes.

After reading Pete Forman's anecdote I looked around some more and found


        Workaround: from now on, Postfix on Solaris uses stream
        pipes instead of UNIX-domain sockets. Despite workarounds,
        the latter were causing more trouble than anything else on
        all systems combined.

There are also some reports that indicate problems in this direction at

Conclusion: Don't use it.

Peter Eisentraut      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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