Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> the things Lamar and Peter also mentioned.  Note: I'm probably 450
> messagees behind due to a 2 day dsl outage; I may have missed some of
> the conversation.  Some messages trickled in, the rest flooded in over
> night.  I may be nearing the time for incoming mail folders :)

Join the club.  I have just finished configuring my Netscape e-mail for
incoming folders -- _important_ direct e-mails (having to to with my
actual job) were getting lost in and amongst the various lists I am a
member of.  I get around 600 e-mails per day on fifteen or so different
mailing lists (the ones at, a half dozen at, Bugtraq/Linux-alert/RedHat-announce, redhat-beta,
AOLserver/OpenNSD/OpenACS, and a handful of Linux announce lists,
unixODBC, CERT, plus all of our Internet listeners).  Netscapes filters
are a lifesaver!  Of course, there are other more capable packages out
there, but Netscape works the same on Win9x and Linux, both of which are
in use on my notebook.

I have to keep up, or the e-mail flood after a couple of days is just
about unbearable.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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