Tom Lane wrote:
> of course, that's the situation you're left with ... but your reasoning
> seems circular to me.  "I should kill -9 the postmaster to prevent the
> situation where I've kill -9'd the postmaster."

Ok, while the script can certainly be used from the command line, its
primary purpose is system shutdown.

And, I am thinking kindof circituitously at this point -- I only now
realize just how circituitously.  If I keep slapping my forehead like
this, I'm going to be bald in a few years....

I don't want to reap the postmaster off -- I want to reap off the
backends associated with that particular postmaster, allowing that
postmaster to die on its own.  Duh.  Doing this in a safe manner is not
going to be easy, given that the PGDATA is not on the command line to
the backend as echoed by ps.  Although I could key on PPID for the
backends....  I'll have to experiment.  But not tonight -- last week was
more taxing than I thought. :-(.
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

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