Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> What they really need to do is hire some grey beards (old school
> Unix folks) to QA the releases and keep stuff like this from
> happening/shipping.

Like the 250-strong RedHat Beta Team, of which I am a member? :-) I
can't disclose the discussions on that list, but, suffice to say the
traffic there is at least as great as the traffic on this one.

Of course, 7.1 hasn't shipped with a RedHat release yet -- and it's my
job to make sure the postmaster gets killed properly in my initscript
inside the package for 7.1 -- there will be no kill -9 unless it is an
emergency to do so for postmaster.

I've seen the advisories and the bug lists -- RedHat is not alone with
bugs -- not even unusual with bugs.  And every OS I know of (and you
too) has had a brown paper bag release before.  Even PostgreSQL, given
its high release quality standards, has had a brown paper bag release --
we all still make mistakes (I know -- I've made more than my share of

Anyway, that's more than what the rest of the list wanted to read.
Replies to private e-mail, please. 
Lamar Owen
WGCR Internet Radio
1 Peter 4:11

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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