Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Let the actual method of allocating error codes be irrelevant for now,
> although the ones in the SQL standard are certainly to be considered for a
> start.  Essentially, instead of writing
>     elog(ERROR, "disaster struck");
> you'd write
>     elog(ERROR, "XYZ01", "disaster struck");

I like this approach.  One of the nice things about Oracle is that
they have an error manual.  All Oracle errors have an associated
number.  You can look up that number in the error manual to find a
paragraph giving details and workarounds.  Admittedly, sometimes the
further details are not helpful, but sometimes they are.  The basic
idea of being able to look up an error lets programmers balance the
need for a terse error message with the need for a fuller explanation.


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TIP 32: I just know I'm a better manager when I have Joe DiMaggio in center field.
                -- Casey Stengel

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