> so it isn't a "fictitous crowd" that is going with the smaller chunks ...
> its about 30% on a very small sample ...

(back in town from the weekend, to see the PostgreSQL tarball ripped to
shreds ;)

Peter, I'm with you on this. If folks want to help support PostgreSQL by
providing subset-tarballs, then great. But many of us have contributed
to the monolithic tarball, and will continue to do so. So lets make sure
that we have *at least* the big tarball available, and if someone wants
to subset it then I'm sure that would be very useful for a large number
of users, even if percentage-wise they are not the majority.

No point in polarizing it or forcing a choice: certainly the form we
have used for the last 6 years (and for the 6 years before that too,
probably) is a legitimate and useful form, and we can experiment with
subsets as much as anyone cares to.

With the big tarball, Lamar and others (such as Oliver and myself) can
continue their packaging work for 7.1 without having to cope with last
minute subset issues.

                      - Thomas

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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