Mark Butler wrote:

> I did several tests with functions designed to sum the number 12345 a million
> times.  The results are as follows (Pentium II 450, Redhat 6.2):
> Postgres PL/PGSQL original numeric:    14.8 seconds
> Postgres PL/PGSQL modified numeric:    11.0 seconds
> Postgres PL/PGSQL float8:              10.7 seconds
> GNU AWK:                                2.5 seconds
> Oracle PL/SQL number:                   2.0 seconds

I have a new result:

  Postgres PL/PGSQL integer:              7.5 seconds

I do not know what to attribute the large difference between float8 and int to
other than pg_alloc overhead used in the calling convention for float8. 

- Mark Butler

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