I've been messing around with a 7.0 compatible dump for 7.1, and it looks
good so far (at least I can dump & restore my local DBs and, to some
extent, the regression DB, including BLOBs).

It is a mixture of 7.1 and 7.0 features, in the sense that it is basically
the 7.1 pg_dump but with 7.0 SQL/methods where necessary. As a result it
dumps in OID order etc but has the 7.0 type formatting for 7.0 databases.
It also uses pg_views to get the view definition, and, at least on 7.0.2,
the view was mildly broken so the regression DB does not dump properly.

I'd be interested in feedback etc, if people don't mind. The patch (against
CVS) can be found at:


At the moment it has no idea what do do with aggregates (is there
anything?), and it assumes 'proisstrict' on functions.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
Albatross Consulting Pty. Ltd.   |----/       -  \
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