> No, those don't do it.  We need an actual NaN value.  These are just
> flags, I think.
> > >> >> gmake -C adt SUBSYS.o
> > >> >> gmake[4]: Entering directory `/usr/users/dcarmich/postgresql-7.1/src/
> > >> >> backend/utils/adt'
> > >> >> cc -std -O4 -Olimit 2000 -I../../../../src/include   -c -o float.o float.c
> > >> >> cc: Error: float.c, line 251: In this statement, the libraries on this
> > >> >> platform do not yet support compile-time evaluation of the constant
> > >> >> expression "0.0/0.0". (constfoldns)
> > >> >>                         val = NAN;
> > >> >> ------------------------------^

Where does the "-O4" come from? That level of optimization probably is
forcing the compile-time constant folding, which is causing trouble.

Try backing off to "-O2" or turn off optimization all together and I'll
bet it will compile. Another possibility is to go into the adt/
subdirectory, compile float.o by cutting and pasting the line above
(substituting -O0 for -O4) and then go back up and resume the make from
the top.

                     - Thomas

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