Horst Herb wrote:
> > I downloaded it.  The directories are two characters in length, the
> > files are numbers, and it is a mixture of C++, Python, and Pascal.  Need
> > I say more.  :-)
> 1.) What is wrong with a mixture of C++, Python and Pascal? Nothing IMHO.
> 2.) The directory structure is probably the consequence of the development
> tools (produced automatically). Such a structure can have advantages, too.
> 3.) I left Germany 6 years ago. I don't know what happened in the meantime,
> but at that time (and the past 10 years before that) virtually any major
> business and the majority of large hospitals were running on SAP. AFAIK,
> similar in other european countries. Complaints about the horrendous price
> structure (par with Oracle) - yes. Complaints about crappy user interfaces -
> yes. Complaints about arrogant support team - yes. But *no* complaints
> regarding data integrity, robustness, and almost no complaints regarding
> performance.

    Don't  mix  up  SAP's  application (R/3 today and R/2 before)
    with SAP DB. Most of the customers I've seen (and I've worked
    as  an SAP R/3 base-consultant for the past 10 years) ran SAP
    R/3 on top of Oracle.  So  that's  where  the  integrity  and
    robustness  came  from.  And  I've  got  may  complaints  WRT
    performance - but  fortunately  our  projects  where  usually
    located  in the multi-$M range, so simply throwing bucks into
    iron worked.



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