Hi All,

I'm developing (currently in pre-alfa stage) a Acucobol interface for the 
The Acucobol runtime have a generic FS API interface that handle the work 
with the
record oriented files, defining the open, close, read, write and so on low 
level function I can
extend the runtime to talk with any file and database.

My current work translate each Acucobol FS command in a relative Postgresql 
query and
the returned tuple will be translated in a record oriented view.
After some performance tests I've notice that this path have much overhead 
and because
this I was thinking to redesign the interface.

My first think was to bypass the SQL translation and use the Postgresql low 
level routines.
I need to see the tables as record oriented archive, so I can scan 
sequentially (forward and
backward) each record, lock/unlock it, insert and delete it and start to 
read the records with
a match of a specific key.

Does anyone know where can I start to search/read/learn/study some 
document/code of the
Postgresql low level routines ?

If need some detail, please ask ;-)!

Thanks in advance.

Roberto Fichera.

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