Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Any feature additions to MONEY will be for 8.4.  What is this doing
>> in the 8.3 list?

> The point is if we are un-depricating the data type, do we want to do it
> with such limited usefulness?  I am concerned it will get wider usage in
> 8.3 and therefore be harder to change.

Well, we are certainly not re-opening feature development now, so it's
not clear to me what you hope to accomplish.  Are you proposing putting
back the deprecation notice until you're satisfied that the type is
complete?  If so, what are the criteria for allowing it to be

I don't personally have a desire to ask for a bunch of new functionality
to be added to MONEY.  If any such thing happens, it should be driven
by requests from actual users of the type, not by arbitrary criteria
invented by people who aren't using it.

                        regards, tom lane

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