Bruce Momjian wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
We are also talking about catlog changes for 8.3.  Are we comfortable
doing catalog changes between the beta and RC?
The catalog changes in question seem entirely safe ... certainly much
more so than this patch ...

I do see your point that another beta might be prudent, but on the other
hand I'm not sure it's really needed.  The only difference between a
beta and an RC is that we try not to change the code anymore after RC.

To me RC means we think this might be the release candidate and I would
like to get some testing in of this in beta before hitting that point.

And an additional beta might encourage more testing too.

I agree with Bruce here. If you want to apply that operator lookup cache patch, I would have another beta. (And I am not personally against it, because I feel major performance fixes may sometimes slip in as "bug fixes".) If you all decide against that patch, we might as well just go for RC1. The catalog changes seem rather trivial, and just a required initdb is no reason for calling it another beta, IMHO.

Great work on that patch, btw.!

Best Regards
Michael Paesold

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