
The Call for Papers for O'Reilly Open Source Conference is open.  Please 
submit a talk if you can go to Portland!

Over the last 3 years, PostgreSQL has come to be the pre-eminent DBMS at 
OSCON mainly through maintaining a really good booth and submitting really 
good talks.  Let's keep this up.

Futher, please e-mail me & Elein copies of your submissions, both so that 
we can give you feedback on how to make the submission better, and second 
so that we'll know to vote on your submissions.

Especially desired are presentations about using PostgreSQL for some other 
interesting project.  Less than 10% of OSCON attendees are interested in 
databases on their own, so database-geek-only talks are unlikely to be 
accepted.  Instead, think about submitting stuff like:
-- Scaling up Python applications on PostgreSQL
-- Migrating J2EE applications off of Oracle
-- Implementing a 10TB data warehouse using all OSS tools
-- Open source GIS boot camp
-- Rails & PostgreSQL: How & Why

We may or may not be having a PostgreSQL Day before OSCON (Josh, Selena?) 
but we'll keep people posted.  But submit a talk today!


Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL @ Sun
San Francisco

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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