
Simon Riggs wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-01-04 at 22:26 +0100, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
>> I'm still puzzled about how a DBA is expected to figure out which
>> segments to mark. Simon, are you assuming we are going to pass on
>> segment numbers to the DBA one day?
> No Way!

Ah, I'm glad ;-)

Simon Riggs wrote:
Skepticism is OK, but I'd like to get your detailed thoughts on this.
I've been an advocate of the multi-tables approach now for many years,
so I don't expect everybody to switch their beliefs on my say-so
overnight. Let me make a few more comments in this area:

I've so far always thought about some sort of multi-relations approach for partitioning, yes. Let's see if I can get my mind around single-table partitioning.

The main proposal deliberately has few, if any, knobs and dials. That's
a point of philosophy that I've had views on previously: my normal
stance is that we need some knobs to allow the database to be tuned to
individual circumstances.

In this case, partitioning is way too complex to administer effectively
and requires application changes that make it impossible to use for
packaged applications. The latest Oracle TPC-H benchmark uses 10 pages
of DDL to set it up and if I can find a way to avoid that, I'd recommend
it to all. I do still want some knobs and dials, just not 10 pages
worth, though I'd like yours and others' guidance on what those should
be. Oracle have been responding to feedback with their new interval
partitioning, but its still a multi-table approach in essence.

I can absolutely support your efforts to minimize knobs and configuration DDL. However, my current feeling is, that segments based partitioning complicates things, because the DBA doesn't have tools and commands to handle segments.

To satisfy all the different requirements of partitioning with segments based partitioning, we'd have to allow a table to span multiple table spaces. I'm not very keen on going that way.

However, what I certainly like is the automated split point definition. Instead of having to create tables by hand and "linking" them via inheritance and constraint exclusion, I have something very similar in mind, like what you proposed for marking read-only segments. Something like:

  SPLIT TABLE customers AT cust_name > 'n';


  SPLIT TABLE inventory AT inv_id % 4 >= 2;

In my imagination, this should automatically create the underlying relations, i.e.:

  NOTICE: relations inventory__l and inventory__r have been created.

That way, the DBA could then handle those like normal relations, querying them or moving them to different table spaces like all other normal relations.

In a way, that's not so different from possible extensions on top of Segment Exclusion, except that the DBA additionally get a relation name to be able to address the set of segments which form a partition. Or put it the other way around: go for Segment Exclusion, but add some sort of a sentinel relation for each set of segments, to make them reachable for the DBA.

My observation of partitioned databases is that they all work
beautifully at the design stage, but problems emerge over time. A
time-based range partitioned table can often have different numbers of
rows per partition, giving inconsistent response times. A
height-balanced approach where we make the partitions all the same size,
yet vary the data value boundaries will give much more consistent query
times and can be completely automated much more easily.

Uh.. well, consistent query time isn't the first thing I'm expecting from partitioning by time ranges. If I wanted consistent query times I'd rather use hash partition or something, no?

I'd even state, that one *wants* inconsistent response times when using time based range partitioning, by moving old, seldom used data to slower storage and keeping only a small amount of often used tuples on the faster disks, for example.

The SVM concept doesn't cover everything that you can do with
partitioning, but my feeling is it covers the main use cases well.

As I regard manageability to be the main advantage of partitioning, which you've intentionally left out for now, I disagree here.

How could SVM or Segment Exclusion potentially be covering what hash partitioning does? Maybe together with the ability to store different segments of a table on different table spaces. That could be considered an approach to range partitioning. But then, that would be the partitioning, and not SVM or Segment Exclusion. To me, both of SVM and SE look much more like an optimization for certain special cases and don't have much to do with partitioning.



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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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