    May be i am reposting something which has been discussed to end in this
forum. I have made a search in the archives and i couldn't find any
    With my relatively small experience in Performance Testing and Tuning,
one of the rules of thumb for getting Performance is "Don't do it, if you
don't need to do it". When we look at clearing the older versions of tuples
from our tables in PostgreSQL, we can't stop thinking about how it is done
in other databases. When we compare the Oracle Undo Log approach with the
Postgresql Vacuum approach, the pattern looks very similar to C++ memory
de-allocation and Java garbage collection.
      So, as you may all know, the thing which worries us about Vacuum is
that it is going to places where it need not goto. That's when we are
thinking about Dead space Map. This dead space map is a map, if implemented
correctly, would guide Vacuum to go and only look at places where there was
some activity of Delete/Update/Insert after the last Vacuum. This is
accomplished at the cost of some very small overhead to
      Dead space Map is like an undo-log, if we think its role is to get rid
of the older versions of data. Instead of moving the tuples to separate
location, it guides the Vacuum process to do the cleanup task. May be we can
even think of something like Dead space log, which may not be a bitmap. In
this log, transactions might enter their transaction ids and ctids, which
can be scanned by the Vacuum process. While this might take more space, it
is with lesser contention, while compared to Dead space Map. To me, as far
as i can think of, the only advantage of Dead space Map over Dead space log
is the disk space.
     It just strikes me that WAL log is already doing just that. I think you
can follow my thought-line. If we can ask the Vacuum process to scan the WAL
log, it can get all the relevant details on where it needs to go. One
optimization, that can be placed here is to somehow make the archiver do a
double-job of helping the Vacuum, while doing the archiving. For people, who
have switched off archiving, this might not be a benefit.
    One main restriction it places on the WAL Logs is that the WAL Log needs
to be archived only after all the transactions in it completes. In other
words, WAL logs need to be given enough space, to survive the longest
transaction of the database. It is possible to avoid this situation by
asking the Vacuum process to take the necessary information out of WAL log
and store it somewhere and wait for the long running transaction to
    The information of interest in WAL is only the table
inserts/updates/deletes. So if everyone accepts that this is a good idea,
till this point, there is a point in reading further.
    Ultimately, what has been achieved till now is that we have made the
sequential scans made by the Vacuum process on each table into a few random
i/os. Of course there are optimizations possible to group the random i/os
and find some sequential i/o out of it. But still we need to do a full index
scan for all those indexes out there. HOT might have saved some work over
there. But i am pessimistic here and wondering how it could have been
improved. So it just strikes me, we can do the same thing which we did just
with the tables. Convert a seq scan of the entire table into a random scan
of few blocks. We can read the necessary tuple information from the tuples,
group them and hit at the index in just those blocks and clean it up.
   I can already hear people, saying that it is not always possible to go
back to index from table. There is this culprit called unstable function
based indexes. The structure stops us from going back to index from table.
So currently we should restrict the above said approach to only normal
indexes(not the function based ones). I hope it would still give a good
   Of course Vacuum can convert the few random scans into a seq scan, if
required by referring to table statistics.

   Thoughts about the idea????


P.S.:  Let the objections/opposing views have a subtle reduction in its

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