On Tue, 15 May 2001, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
> Lastly, inheritance? I plan to leave out worrying about inheritance for
> starters, especially since it seems that half the constraints when added
> don't even propagate themselves properly to child tables...
Actually this brings up a problem I'm having with ALTER TABLE ADD
CONSTRAINT and since it mostly affects you with DROP CONSTRAINT, I'll
bring it up here. If you have a table that has check constraints or
is inherited from multiple tables, what's the correct way to name an
added constraint that's being inherited? If it's $2 in the parent,
but the child already has a $2 defined, what should be done? The
reason this affects drop constraint is knowing what to drop in the
child. If you drop $2 on the parent, what constraint(s) on the child
get dropped?
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