On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, Kris Jurka wrote:

On Thu, 10 Jan 2008, Jan Ischebeck wrote:

8.3beta3 and 4 have worked perfectly with the provided pljava ddl, just
with 8.3-rc1 it doesn't work anymore.

8.3RC1 changed the function definition for SetUserId, so pljava needs some changes and a rebuild. Will fix.

Turns out it's not just 83RC1, but all of the security releases, which will require different pljava packages for the patch versions before/after the security changes. I've committed a fix to CVS for this, and I guess I'll try to respin those this weekend and try to convince the windows installer folks to include them in the next point release.

For the moment you can pull the pljava.dll from here and it should work for you.


Kris Jurka

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