On Sun, 2008-01-13 at 17:44 -0800, Sean Utt wrote:

> It is not my contention that the "core" developers need to 
> be different in any way. It is also not my contention that the users need to 
> be different in any way.

First, this is an open forum, so thank you for expressing your views
openly in the manner you've felt them.

General comment:

I think one perspective I have on the above statement is the feeling
that there is a distinction between two groups of people and that one
group is put here to serve the other group better.

Many new users of Postgres are so used to the closed source situation of
Developers being the only people who can see the code that they often
perpetuate the concept of tiering or groups, when it doesn't exist.

Almost all of the people on the list are users of Postgres. There's just
a complete range of people from new users to experienced hackers.
Postgres is well documented, well commented and completely open source,
so there is no barrier to anyone who wishes to change, and if you choose
to define that change positively, improve.

So I support Mark Mielke's views on writing code. Anybody who wants to
code, can. There's probably a project of a size and complexity that's
right for your first project. Apparently the guy that invented the new
scheduling algorithms for Linux wasn't even a coder, but he sat down and
worked it out. 

This is Hackers: Write some code today, everybody. You *can*.

  Simon Riggs
  2ndQuadrant  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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