Dear Friends,

I hope that this flame war can stop, as it is useless.

The logic of free software is that developers pick-up issues, based on
their skills and interest. The power of the cummunity is to gather very
talented developers from all over the planet. Freedom is the logic and
there is no need to drive the community. In the end, PostgreSQL relies
on the knownledge of talented developers.

When posting this thread, I hope that a talented developer would some
day pick-up the materialized view issue and work on it, during a process
of discussion. 

In a few days, I will post some precise statistics on how much
MATERIALIZED VIEW could boost a 400.000 posts PhpBB 3.0 forum. I will
write the required PL trigger, test them and install them on my server.

Then each individual is able to decide whether materiazed views are
important or not. This is my definition of freedom. Freedom of choice.

I don't ask for more.
Now, I hope that the list can return to a more peaceful state.

Kind regards,
Jean-Michel Pouré

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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