On Jan 14, 2008, at 1:49 AM, Markus Schiltknecht wrote:

I don't think the separation into list, hash and range partitioning is adequate. What is the system supposed to do, if you try to insert a row which doesn't fit any of the values in your list or doesn't fit any of the ranges you defined?

Hi Markus,

If you don't define a "default" partition to handle outliers, the insert should fail with an error.

I prefer a partitioning grammar which doesn't interfere with constraints. We all know how to define constraints. Please don't introduce a new, ambiguous way. A partitioning definition should be able to tell the target partition for *every* row which satisfies the constraints (the real ones, not ambiguous ones).

IMO, a single DDL command should only touch a single split point, i.e. split a table into two partitions, move the split point or remove the split point (joining the partitions again). Those are the only basic commands you need to be able to handle partitioning.

I can certainly appreciate the simplicity of this approach. It lets us use a generic check constraint to perform partitioning, so it is more general than partitioning using hash, list, and range. However, it achieves this generality at the expense of usability for typical customer cases. For example, let's look at the case of a table of 1 year of sales data, where we want to create 12 partitions -- one for each month.

With the generic approach, you start with a single table, and start by splitting it into two six-month partitions:

  SPLIT where sales_date > date '2007-06-01'
     PARTITION first_half
     PARTITION second_half

We could implement this approach using check constraints and table inheritance: the partition second_half is a child table where sales_date > date '2007-06-01', and the partition first_half has the complementary constraint NOT(sales_date > date '2007-06-01').

Next, you split each partition:

  SPLIT PARTITION first_half where sales_date > date '2007-03-01'
     PARTITION first_quarter
     PARTITION second_quarter

So now the child table for first_half itself has two children. As you continue this process you construct a binary tree of table inheritance using 12 ALTER statements.

In the "long" grammar you can create and partition the table in one statement:

PARTITION BY sales_date
start (date '2007-01-01') end (date '2008-01-01')
every (interval '1 month')

Sorry, but for my taste, the proposed grammar is too long per command, not flexible enough and instead ambiguous for split points as well as for constraints. To me it looks like repeating the mistakes of others.

Thanks for your feedback. Partitioning the table using series of splits is a clever solution for situations where the partitioning operation cannot be described using simple equality (like list,hash) or ordered comparison (range). But for many common business cases, the "long" grammar is easier to specify.

kind regards,


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