On Jan 14, 2008 11:03 AM, Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roberts, Jon wrote:
> > Version: PostgreSQL 8.2.5 on i686-pc-mingw32
> >
> > I recently started getting this error message randomly, "could not open
> > relation 42904/42906/42985: Invalid argument".  I also got it for a couple
> > of other files.  All three files are related to tables that have just a
> > single row each.
> This has been reported before, and we've patched the system so that the
> error reported is better.  In HEAD we also patched it so that the system
> would automatically retry a number of times if the problem is
> ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION (or something like that).  That patch was not
> backported to 8.2 due to lack of testing -- the original reported did
> not come back to try the patched version.
> If you want to try, the patch is here:
> https://projects.commandprompt.com/public/pgsql/changeset/29853
> Let us know how it goes.  If your problem is easily reproducible and the
> patch makes it go away, we would consider back-patching the fix.

I have builded a patched version of 8.2, if you want i can send it to you...
if your mail server doesn't accept large files (the zip file is 5.6
mb) then maybe someone can share some space for temporarily store

Jaime Casanova

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs and the universe trying
to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning."
                                       Richard Cook

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