On Wed, 16 May 2001, Lamar Owen wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I am loathe to even bring this up, but with two messages today about it, I am
> going to be short and sweet:
> We don't have a reasonable upgrade path.  ASCII dump->install
> new->initdb->restore is not a reasonable upgrade.  It is confusing to the
> newbie, and should be fixed.  We used to have an upgrade path in pg_upgrade
> - -- but it no longer works (but it was most definitely a fine effort for its
> time, Bruce!). Furthermore, the dump/restore cycle is a pain in the neck when
> tables get larger than a few hundred megabytes.  It's worse when the newer
> version won't properly restore from the old dump -- and you have to edit,
> potentially by hand, a multi-gigabyte dump to get it to restore.

Personally ... I just upgraded 13 gig worth of databases using
dump/restore, didn't have to end a single file, in less then 1.5hrs from
start to finish ... *shrug*

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