On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Tom Lane wrote:

Cristian Gafton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Autovacuum is disabled, since the database is mostly read only. There is a
"vacuumdb -a -z" running nightly on the box. However, the application that
queries it does a lot of work with temporary tables - would those bloat
the stats at all?

Conceivably, if you mean a lot of short-lived tables rather than a lot
of operations on a few tables.  However, I'd think that would result in
a steady accumulation of stats entries, not a sudden jump as you seemed
to describe.

We are churning through a bunch of short-lived temp tables. Since I reported the problem, the pgstat file is now sitting at 85M, yet the pg_stat* tables barely have any entries in them:

pg_stats                298
pg_statistic            298
pg_stat_all_indexes     76
pg_stat_all_tables      76
pg_statio_all_tables    56
pg_statio_all_indexes   76

Is there a way to inspect the pgstat file and see what's in it that it is taking all this space? (it's not the space that bothers me, it's the fact that the statistics collector has to dump 85MB of stuff once a second to disk...)


Cristian Gafton
rPath, Inc.

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