On Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:47:08 -0500
Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Restore file 220G
> >
> > 8.2.6 and 8.3.0 are configured identically:
> >
> > shared_buffers = 8000MB
> > work_mem = 32MB
> > maintenance_work_mem = 512MB
> > fsync = off
> > full_page_writes = off
> > checkpoint_segments = 300
> > synchronous_commit = off (8.3)
> > wal_writer_delay = off (8.3)
> > autovacuum = off
> >
> > 8.2.6 after 2 hours has restored 41GB.
> > 8.3.0 after 2.5 hours had restored 38GB.
> I just tested a ~110GB load. On our modest backup server, 8.2
> yesterday did the data load (i.e. the COPY steps) in 1h57m. Today,
> 8.3 on identical data and settings took 1h42m. Relation size is down
> by about 10% too, which is very nice, and probably accounts for the
> load time improvement.

Ergghh o.k. I am definitely missing something in the environment. By
your numbers I should be well over 100GB restored at 2.5 hours. I am
not. I am only 38GB in.

What type of IO do you have on that machine? What type of CPU and RAM?


Joshua D. Drake

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