On Tue, 22 May 2001, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> Anyone looked at this yet?
> Also, if someone could tell me where I should attempt to add a regression
> test and what, exactly, I should be regression testing it would be
> helpful...

At the risk of making it even longer, probably alter_table.sql.
You probably want to try out various conceivable uses of the drop
constraint, including error conditions.

Some things like:
create table with constraint
try to insert valid row
try to insert invalid row
drop the constraint
try to insert valid row
try to insert row that was invalid

create table with two equal named constraints
insert valid to both
insert valid to one but not two
insert valid to two but not one
insert valid to neither

create table with two non-equal named constraints
(do inserts)
drop constraint one 
try to insert valid for both, 
  valid for one but not two
  valid for two but not one
  valid for neither
drop constraint two
(do more inserts)

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