On Fri, Feb 08, 2008 at 12:22:08PM -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Gregory Stark wrote:
> > Is someone working on dumping the list into a table on the wiki? I could
> > download the mbox files from the web site and filter them into a table.
> > 
> > Some part of me thinks this data should be in a postgres database so I can 
> > do
> > SQL queries against it to find a good patch to review.
> It's hard to put this stuff in a database.  Truth is that it's highly
> unstructured.
> IMHO an mbox is not the right interface either, though.  I guess there
> must be something in the middle, like a *cough*patch manager*cough*.  At
> least there should be a way to mark patches: a "is this a patch" (or
> merely discussion) boolean; and a free-form field where other people can
> make comments.  Well, I guess that's what Review Board is for.  I think
> we should start asking patch submitters to load their patches on RB.

I agree with the need of some kind of patch tracking thats nicer than what
we have now, but let's at least try out the product all the way before we
ask people to use it! :-)


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