* Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080220 17:11]:
> Aidan Van Dyk wrote:
> >And, the fromcvs converter, which works fine, just happens to *not*
> >support importing tags - go figure ;-)
> Meaning it chokes on the $PostgreSQL: ...$ stuff? or what?

$something$ are "keywords" in CVS speak.  Tags are "cvs tag" type
operations that put "human labels" on a specific set of files (like
REL7_1BETA2, etc).

It's the cvs tags, not keywords that are causing cvsps the pain
(and thus git cvsimport).

fromcvs doesn't try and import tags at all, so it happens to avoid that
that tag problem completely.

I haven't tried to figure out exactly what tag it is, or what file(s)
the tags are problematic on yet, because it takes repeated munging/cvsps
runs to figure out, and I haven' had the time yet...   But just blindkly
removing all the REL7_1* tags "worked for me"...


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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