Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In PQexec() and also in parseInput() (both fe-exec.c) there is a provision
> for, if more than one result set is returned, to concatenate the error
> messages (while only returning the last result set).  My question is how a
> backend can return more than one error message per query string?

That concatenation hack was added to deal with an actual case where
information was getting dropped, but I am not sure that it was something
that would arise in the normal protocol.  IIRC it was something like

1. backend sends error in response to bogus user query;

2. backend encounters fatal problem during error cleanup (or gets
   shutdown signal from postmaster), and sends another error message
   to indicate this before it closes up shop.

I think there may also be cases where we need to stuff both
backend-generated messages and libpq-generated messages into the
error result.  That doesn't directly affect the protocol however.

Since there will always be asynchronous conditions to deal with, it'd
be pretty foolish to design a protocol that assumes that exactly one
'E' message will arrive during a PQexec cycle.

> I am currently looking into extending the protocol so that more fields can
> be in an ErrorResponse (e.g., error codes).  If this were to happen then
> we'd need a smarter way of handling more than one error message per cycle.

Only if you want to overload ErrorResponse so that successive 'E'
messages mean different things.  I do not think that would be a good
design.  It'd be better to allow ErrorResponse to carry multiple fields.
This'd imply a protocol version bump, but so what?  Changing the
semantics of ErrorResponse probably ought to require that anyway.

(I have some other ideas that would require a protocol version bump too,
like fixing the broken COPY and FastPath parts of the protocol...)

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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