
I believe you were the one to object to this proposal pre 8.3 ?

To me it seems innocuous. Most high level db abstractions allow access to the underlying connection.

On 17-Mar-08, at 7:26 AM, Mike Aubury wrote:

Request Overview
Add a function to return the current PGConn used within ecpg..

For years now within the Aubit4GL project we've been able to access the PGConn record used by ecpg by the highly dubious means of accessing an internal
record within ecpg (which has now been removed/hidden).
It would be really useful if we could get at the PGConn connection via a
formal API/function call...

This would be useful to others as it would allow libpq calls on the currently open connection to use features for which there is no direct ecpg equivilent, or where the functionality has already been implemented using libpq calls. (The ability to drop to a lower level of abstraction is common in most db
orientated languages/language extensions like esql/c.)


This could be implemented by adding the following code to the existing
ecpglib/connect.c file :

       PGconn* ECPGget_PGconn(const char *connection_name) {
        struct connection * con;
        if (con==NULL) return NULL;

        return con->connection;


Mike Aubury

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