I looked into the complaint here
about 8.3 being a lot slower than 8.2.  Apparently what he's
doing is sending a whole lot of INSERT commands in a single
query string.  And, sure enough, 8.3 is a lot slower.  The
oprofile output is, um, localized:

samples  %        image name               symbol name
749240   48.0999  libc-2.7.so              memcpy
392513   25.1986  libc-2.7.so              strlen
331905   21.3077  libc-2.7.so              memset
5302      0.3404  postgres                 AllocSetCheck
3548      0.2278  postgres                 AllocSetAlloc
3507      0.2251  postgres                 base_yyparse
3160      0.2029  postgres                 hash_search_with_hash_value
2068      0.1328  postgres                 SearchCatCache
1737      0.1115  postgres                 base_yylex
1606      0.1031  postgres                 XLogInsert

I eventually traced this down to the strdup's that were inserted into
PortalDefineQuery() in this patch:
that is, the cost differential is entirely because we started copying
a Portal's source query text into the Portal's own memory.  In the
example at hand here, the source query string is big (about a quarter
megabyte for 50000 INSERTSs), and we do that copy 50000 times.
Even though strdup is cheap on a per-byte basis, the O(N^2) law
eventually catches up.

Although you could argue that this example represents crummy SQL
coding style, it's still a performance regression from pre-8.3,
so I think we need to fix it.

It seems to me to be clearly necessary to copy the source text into
the Portal if the Portal is going to be long-lived ... but in the
case of simple-Query execution we know darn well that the original
string in MessageContext is going to outlive the Portal, so the
copying isn't really needed --- and this seems like the only code
path where the problem exists.  In other cases a single querystring
isn't likely (or, usually, even able) to contain more than one command
so no repeat copying will occur.

So I'm inclined to revert the decision I made in that patch that
PortalDefineQuery() should copy the strings rather than expecting
the caller to be responsible for providing a suitably long-lived
string.  We could handle this two ways:
* Put the strdup operations back into the callers that need them,
ie just revert the logic change.
* Add an additional bool parameter to PortalDefineQuery to tell it
whether the strings need to be copied.

The second option seems a bit cleaner to me but might conceivably break
third party code, if there is any that calls PortalDefineQuery.
OTOH, if anyone out there has started to depend on the assumption
that PortalDefineQuery will copy their strings, the first option
would break their code silently, which is even worse than breaking
it obviously.


                        regards, tom lane

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