> > > FATAL: s_lock(0x2ac2d016) at spin.c:158, stuck spinlock. Aborting.
> > 
> > Hmm, that's SpinAcquire, so it's one of the predefined spinlocks
> > (and not, say, a buffer spinlock).  You could try adding some
> > debug logging here, although the output would be voluminous.
> > But what would really be useful is a stack trace for the stuck
> > process.  Consider changing the s_lock code to abort() when it
> > gets a stuck spinlock --- then you could gdb the coredump.
> Nice idea. I will try that.

I got an interesting result. If I compile backend with -g (and without
-O2), I get no stuck spin lock errors. However, if s_lock.c is
compiled with -O2 enabled, I got the error again. It seems only
s_lock.c is related to this phenomenon.
Tatsuo Ishii

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