I think what he's referring to is persistently caching plans so that new
connections can use them. That makes a lot more sense if you have lots of
short-lived connections like a stock php server without persistent connections turned on or a connection pooler. You can prepare queries but they only live
for a single web page so you don't get any benefit.

        Let me explain a little further.

Persistent database connections are the way to go for web applications, because the connection is only going to get used for a few queries, and the time needed to start the postgres process and establish the connection is often significant compared to the time used for the actual queries. Connection pooling can also be used, you get the idea.

So, using persistent database connections, it makes sense to use prepared statements to speed up execution of simple queries, like those returning a few rows with a few joins and no complicated WHERE clauses, which is actually most of the queries on your average website. As shown in my previous message, the CPU time spent planning the query can be as much or even a lot more than CPU time spent actually executing the query.

But, using prepared statements with persistent connections is messy, because you never know if the connection is new or not, if it contains already prepared statements or not, you'd have to maintain a list of those statements (named) for every query in your application, and when someone changes a query, it's a mess, not to mention queries generated by the ORM like Rails etc.

        The idea in this "proof of concept" was :

Wouldn't it be nice if Postgres could just say "Hey, I already planned that query, I'll reuse that plan". And it is very easy to recognize a query we've seen before, since $-params takes the parameters out of the equation, and eliminates parsing time and string quoting hell.

Storing the cached plans as prepared statements in the connection-local hashtable makes sense : it doesn't use that much memory anyway, and there are no locking and contention problems. Just like PREPARE and EXECUTE.

Personally I would like to see this, not primarily for the performance gains, but for the possibility of managing when plans change -- ie, plan stability.

        Unfortunately, this isn't compatible with a non-shared memory 

But there is resistance from other quarters about the reliability hit of
having the plan data structures in shared memory.

        I agree.
        Hence the idea to put them in non-shared memory, local to a process.
Perfectly useless when using non-persistent connections, but very powerful when using persistent connections.

I still don't see why you would need a wire protocol change.

Because I'd think that sometimes the client will not want to use a cached plan, when the query is rarely used (no need to waste memory to cache the plan), or it is complex and needs to be replanned according to parameter values every time. Sure, the client could use the oldskool "send query as text with parameters inside" but that's back to string escaping hell, and it's ugly.
        It would be nicer to have a bool "cache_plan".

You would just
have clients prepare plans normally and stash them in shared memory for other backends in a hash table keyed by, well, something, perhaps the original query

Query text seems to be the simplest, better not ask the user to come up with distinct names when the query text will be a perfect key. Besides, hand-generated names might turn out not to be so distinct after all...

Then whenever you're asked to prepare a query you go check if someone else has
already done it for you and find an already generated plan in the shared
memory hash table.
The contention on the shared cache is likely to negate much of the planning savings but I think it would still be a win. But what's really interesting to me is then providing an interface to see and manipulate that cache. Then you could see what plans other backends are using for queries, mark plans as being acceptable or not, and even revoke users' permissions to execute queries which
aren't already present and marked as being acceptable.

If it can be made to work with a shared cache, why not, but that would be more complex. You'd also have to deal with permissions, different users with different privileges, etc. But local would probably be simplest (and faster).

Also, there will be problems with the schema search path. Perhaps a query should be required to specify the fully qualified table names (schema.table) for all tables in order to be cacheable.

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